I love Rose Water. It is multifaceted for skin and hair and I find since using rose water, my hair stays hydrated, shiny and soft. I also use it as a toner for my face. At age 57, it has done wonders in keeping the integrity of my skin with minimum wrinkles and sagging.
Keep in mind like any other thing in life, there are levels. When it comes to my personal skin and hair regimen, I don’t do cheap. That is not to say that just because an item is expensive, it’s the best. It’s merely the old adage, “You get what you pay for”. I tend to buy reputable products like Heritage Rose water. Even if it means I may have to spend a bit more coin, in my mind it is worth it. It has payed off because I don’t use a lot of products on my hair. I certainly don’t use nearly the amount of products I use to when I was a loose natural. Things were getting so bad with products that I almost needed an intervention of some sort. My closet was looking like the hair section in Target. Which is why I’m so glad I decided to get locs. It’s a minimalist approach in terms of products, maintenance and lifestyle. I spritz my hair daily with rose water. That’s it. I use it during the morning and after each wash day. Simple, convenient and minimalist. Gone are the days of 3 to 5 hour wash days. No preshampoo, no regular shampoo, no deep conditioner, no leave in conditioner, no styling cream or gel. I’m done with that life. Here’s to a more simpler lifestyle in which I can focus on other things just as important as my hair.
Keep in mind that not everything is for everyone. What works for me may not work for anyone else. That’s why the only rule to follow is “Know thy own hair“. If your hair feels stiff, dry, or you start to notice breakage, stop using the product. Try aloe Vera juice, rice water, or distilled water instead. Everyone has unique needs and having locs like loose natural hair requires trial and error. We are not all the same But, it’s a starting point. Let me know your thoughts and experiences. What moisturizing products do you use on your hair. Please share your thoughts.
