About Breaking Bad Goddess

Hey Goddess!
I am Martha Lankford, the founder behind Breaking Bad Goddess. The brands name is inspired by my own personal transformation as a woman of color. After years of perming my hair, wearing wigs, and doing all the things Black women do to our hair, I took a leap, and did the BIG CHOP!
After that, I began to notice my own negative self-talk about my own natural Black Aesthetic, beginning with my hair. Soon after, I decided to go a bit further by starting my loc journey. Through this, I have found new levels of love, appreciation, and gratitude for the beauty of being Black.
Through this brand you can expect me to share tips about best hair care practices, along with the deep insights I've gained in reclaiming the essence of my beauty through self care, and breaking away from bad thought processes regarding the standard of beauty.
Follow me as I redefine, challenge, and highlight new ways to appreciate the Black aesthetic, first beginning with me!
Honoring the Black Aesthetic
Redefining mindset, wellness, and beauty standards